DDD:C4 model


Posted by Shoukai Huang on March 19, 2020




现在,这些团队倾向于依靠他们在白板上绘制的临时图表,或者使用通用的图表工具(如微软的Visio)。Ionut Balosin 在去年写了一篇叫作“软件架构图的艺术”的文章,他在文章中描述了一些常见问题,这些问题与不可理解的符号和不明确的语义有关。

创建C4模型是为了帮助软件开发团队在前期设计会议期间以及回顾性地记录现有代码库时描述和交流软件体系结构。这是一种以各种细节级别创建代码映射的方法,就像使用Google Maps之类的工具来放大或缩小您感兴趣的区域一样。

The C4 model was created as a way to help software development teams describe and communicate software architecture, both during up-front design sessions and when retrospectively documenting an existing codebase. It’s a way to create maps of your code, at various levels of detail, in the same way you would use something like Google Maps to zoom in and out of an area you are interested in.


Although primarily aimed at software architects and developers, the C4 model provides a way for software development teams to efficiently and effectively communicate their software architecture, at different levels of detail, telling different stories to different types of audience, when doing up front design or retrospectively documenting an existing codebase.



C4 模型使用容器(应用程序、数据存储、微服务等)、组件和代码来描述一个软件系统的静态结构。它还考虑到使用软件系统的人。

The C4 model considers the static structures of a software system in terms of containers, components and code. And people use the software systems that we build.



A person represents one of the human users of your software system (e.g. actors, roles, personas, etc).

Software System


A software system is the highest level of abstraction and describes something that delivers value to its users, whether they are human or not. This includes the software system you are modelling, and the other software systems upon which your software system depends (or vice versa). In many cases, a software system is “owned by” a single software development team.



Not Docker! In the C4 model, a container represents an application or a data store. A container is something that needs to be running in order for the overall software system to work.


  • Apache Tomcat
  • Angular
  • MySQL
  • Shell


A container is essentially a context or boundary inside which some code is executed or some data is stored. And each container is a separately deployable/runnable thing or runtime environment, typically (but not always) running in its own process space. Because of this, communication between containers typically takes the form of an inter-process communication.



The word “component” is a hugely overloaded term in the software development industry, but in this context a component is a grouping of related functionality encapsulated behind a well-defined interface.


An important point to note here is that all components inside a container typically execute in the same process space. In the C4 model, components are not separately deployable units.

核心图(Core diagrams)


Visualising this hierarchy of abstractions is then done by creating a collection of Context, Container, Component and (optionally) Code (e.g. UML class) diagrams. This is where the C4 model gets its name from.

Level 1: System Context diagram


A System Context diagram is a good starting point for diagramming and documenting a software system, allowing you to step back and see the big picture. Draw a diagram showing your system as a box in the centre, surrounded by its users and the other systems that it interacts with.


Level 2: Container diagram

一旦了解了系统如何适应整个IT环境,接下来的一个非常有用的步骤就是使用容器图放大系统边界。“容器”类似于服务器端Web应用程序,单页应用程序,桌面应用程序,移动应用程序,数据库架构,文件系统等。本质上,容器是可单独运行/可部署的单元(例如,单独的进程空间) )执行代码或存储数据。

Once you understand how your system fits in to the overall IT environment, a really useful next step is to zoom-in to the system boundary with a Container diagram. A “container” is something like a server-side web application, single-page application, desktop application, mobile app, database schema, file system, etc. Essentially, a container is a separately runnable/deployable unit (e.g. a separate process space) that executes code or stores data.


The Container diagram shows the high-level shape of the software architecture and how responsibilities are distributed across it. It also shows the major technology choices and how the containers communicate with one another. It’s a simple, high-level technology focussed diagram that is useful for software developers and support/operations staff alike.

Level 3: Component diagram




Level 4: Code (不建议使用)


Finally, you can zoom in to each component to show how it is implemented as code; using UML class diagrams, entity relationship diagrams or similar.


This is an optional level of detail and is often available on-demand from tooling such as IDEs. Ideally this diagram would be automatically generated using tooling (e.g. an IDE or UML modelling tool), and you should consider showing only those attributes and methods that allow you to tell the story that you want to tell. This level of detail is not recommended for anything but the most important or complex components.

补充图(Supplementary diagrams)

系统全景图(System Landscape diagram)


The C4 model provides a static view of a single software system but, in the real-world, software systems never live in isolation. For this reason, and particularly if you are responsible for a collection of software systems, it’s often useful to understand how all of these software systems fit together within the bounds of an enterprise. To do this, simply add another diagram that sits “on top” of the C4 diagrams, to show the system landscape from an IT perspective. Like the System Context diagram, this diagram can show the organisational boundary, internal/external users and internal/external systems.


Essentially this is a high-level map of the software systems at the enterprise level, with a C4 drill-down for each software system of interest. From a practical perspective, a system landscape diagram is really just a system context diagram without a specific focus on a particular software system.

动态图(Dynamic diagram)

当您想显示静态模型中的元素如何在运行时进行协作以实现用户故事,用例,功能等时,动态图可能会很有用。该动态图基于UML通讯图 (以前称为“ UML”协作图”)。它类似于UML序列图, 但是它允许带有编号的交互作用的图元素的自由形式排列以指示顺序。

A dynamic diagram can be useful when you want to show how elements in a static model collaborate at runtime to implement a user story, use case, feature, etc. This dynamic diagram is based upon a UML communication diagram (previously known as a “UML collaboration diagram”). It is similar to a UML sequence diagram although it allows a free-form arrangement of diagram elements with numbered interactions to indicate ordering.

动态图 ≈ 通信图 + 时序图

部署图(Deployment diagram)

部署图使您能够说明静态模型中的容器如何映射到基础结构。该部署图基于UML部署图,尽管略微简化以显示容器和部署节点之间的映射。部署节点类似于物理基础架构(例如物理服务器或设备),虚拟化基础架构(例如IaaS,PaaS,虚拟机),容器化基础架构(例如Docker容器),执行环境(例如数据库服务器,Java EE) Web /应用程序服务器,Microsoft IIS)等。部署节点可以嵌套。

A deployment diagram allows you to illustrate how containers in the static model are mapped to infrastructure. This deployment diagram is based upon a UML deployment diagram, although simplified slightly to show the mapping between containers and deployment nodes. A deployment node is something like physical infrastructure (e.g. a physical server or device), virtualised infrastructure (e.g. IaaS, PaaS, a virtual machine), containerised infrastructure (e.g. a Docker container), an execution environment (e.g. a database server, Java EE web/application server, Microsoft IIS), etc. Deployment nodes can be nested.




C4 != UML



来源: https://structurizr.com/share/1#components

System Context diagram

Container diagram

Component diagram
